Sunday, October 26, 2008

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election

This movie was very informative about the 2000 presidential election. It explained what all the confusion was about in the 2000 election which many people and myself did not understand. The movie also explain what would happen if a person was a felon or ex-felon and the twisting law that could or couldn't let someone vote. One of the other topics the movie discussed was the problems with electronic votes and also the problem with paper votes. I remember one part in the movie where the paper ballots were made to confuse people. The person would end up double punching the ballot which would then not count to the turnout of the election. There was also another part about the electronic vote and if a person was to select all four candidates on the touch screen computer all four votes would go to one candidate.
If I was a Republican I would find this movie very bias towards the Democratic party.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All Three Debates

After watching all three debates between Obama and McCain I think the most informative debate was the first debate. This is because the candidates were ready and on their toes to answer the questions with the most important information. The most interesting debate had to be the first debate again because both candidates were very defensive. John McCain also was twisting Barack Obama's words around to make him seem he was going to do the wrong thing for our country. The most difficult debate to watch was the second because it was really boring. The topics that were chosen for the candidates to talk about were not the most important topics to me. The debate that gave voters an accurate portrayal on the two candidates has to be the final debate. I think this because the candidates had their last chance to persuade the voters.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Democratic Headquarters

How are Kennebunk voters or Democrats different than in other areas?

The woman said that it depends on the majority of the state, for example Maine's majority is caucasian. In the cities such as Boston or New York City there are many different cultures and groups of people. She also said that Mainers' are very skeptical and smart about who they vote for because they want to get to know each candidate running for President.

I think that what the woman was saying at the headquarters was very true. A person's opinion on a candidate can be very different than some one elses' because they are two different people and they grew up in two different families. Two people may both be voting for Obama and they agree on most of Obama's standings but not all of his standings.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Compare and Contrast the Dabate

Body Language and Demeanor:
Senator McCain uses his hands when he speaks and when he explains things. I think he does not carry himself very well, he sway back and forth when he is speaking. I can not stand the way he pronounces his t's and s's it is so annoying. When he talks he looks at the moderator and sometimes the audience and never really looks at Obama when speaking in the debate. I found that he stutters a little bit to. He also does not want to change the subject and he always wants the last word.

Body Language and Demeanor:
Obama at first, was speaking to the audience but he was asked by Jim to argue with McCain and face McCain. I feel Obama stood tall and didn't sway back and forth, and he also spoke with his hands. Obama interrupted Senator McCain many times when John was trying to make a point. I think that it was very hard for Senator Obama to keep his cool with out filling out a McCain. There were a few times in the debate when this occurred. Obama also seems to denies everything McCain says about him and he seems to get angry very easily.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Article about Election

The article I read was called "Adviser Molds a Tighter, More Aggressive McCain Campaign" from The New York Times

1. The summary of what I read was about how Obama dominated a speech he gave in front of a huge crowd on public T.V. Then McCain counter acted and gave a not so presentable speech in front of a small crowd. McCain said that it was the worst night of his campaign. One of McCain's senior advisers, Steve Schmidt, made and added many changes to the McCain organization to get people to follow McCain. Over three months the whole campaign made huge changes and they got peoples attention.
2. A Catalyst person is someone who talks, enthusiastically, or their energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic, or energetic. This person would be Steven Schmidt.
Ubiquitous is an existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent.
This word represents McCain's slogan "Country First" which McCain says Obama does not.
3. Three scenarios that could happen next is:
-that the number of people supporting McCain could increase
-that the number of people supporting McCain could stay the same
-that the number of people supporting McCain could decrease (most likely not to happen)
4. Why wouldn't they put all their effort into McCain's campaign in the first place?

Joe Biden's speech

", today that American dream feels like its slowly slipping away. I don't have to tell you that you feel it every single day in your own lives. I've never seen a time when Washington has watched so many people get knocked down without doing anything to help them get back up."
-Joe Biden

This quote means to me that America is becoming worse and worse between the economy, the environment, and our lives. Our capital has denied so many people and ideas that no one else with step up. This quote represents my candidates campaign because without the right president and vice president the U.S. will continue on becoming worse. Biden is sending the message that they should vote for Obama and himself because they will change things so our country will not continue to become worse.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama's Political Life

Barack Obama was elected Senator of Illinois in the year 1997 to 2003. He was elected three different times for Senator.
In 2004 he became the third African American from Reconstruction to be elected as U.S. Senator.
On January 4, 2005 he was sworn in as Senator.
Then in February of 2007 he announced his candidacy for President of the United States.
In 2008 he became 11th most powerful Senator.
In 2008 his campaign made a record of raising 90 million dollars in the first 2 months of candidacy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Obama's Personal life

Birth home and place:
Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961.

Jobs and Political Standings:
He graduated from Columbia University in 1983 and then moved to Chicago in 1985, where he became a community organizer with a church-based group.
He went to Harvard and got his law degree in 1991
At Harvard he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.
He returned to Chicago as a civil rights lawyer and taught constitutional law.
He ran for the Illinois State Senate, where he served for eight years.
In 2004, he was to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

His Family:
His mother, Ann Dunham who grew up in a small town in Kansas.
She moved to Hawaii with her family
Then became a student at the University of Hawaii
His father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and raised in a small village in Kenya, where he grew up herding goats.
He had won a scholarship to attend the University of Hawaii that allowed him to leave Kenya and start his career.
That is how his parents met

Obama lives with his wife, Michelle, and two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, who live in the South Side of Chicago.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Blog

Barack Obama is the candidate that I am choosing for this years election. I am choosing him because I support most of the ideas he is representing. Three things that Obama is representing is to create millions of new green jobs. What he means by this is to have jobs that are energy efficient that create the cheapest, cleanest and fastest energy source. The second thing he is representing is to bring home the troops in Iraq. The third thing is to create a system that will help people stay out of poverty and not even become poor.