Thursday, September 25, 2008

Article about Election

The article I read was called "Adviser Molds a Tighter, More Aggressive McCain Campaign" from The New York Times

1. The summary of what I read was about how Obama dominated a speech he gave in front of a huge crowd on public T.V. Then McCain counter acted and gave a not so presentable speech in front of a small crowd. McCain said that it was the worst night of his campaign. One of McCain's senior advisers, Steve Schmidt, made and added many changes to the McCain organization to get people to follow McCain. Over three months the whole campaign made huge changes and they got peoples attention.
2. A Catalyst person is someone who talks, enthusiastically, or their energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic, or energetic. This person would be Steven Schmidt.
Ubiquitous is an existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent.
This word represents McCain's slogan "Country First" which McCain says Obama does not.
3. Three scenarios that could happen next is:
-that the number of people supporting McCain could increase
-that the number of people supporting McCain could stay the same
-that the number of people supporting McCain could decrease (most likely not to happen)
4. Why wouldn't they put all their effort into McCain's campaign in the first place?

1 comment:

Flora @ TNSK said...

Great, Jenna. Your writing is very clear and I especially like the question you pose at the end.